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Breakthrough Achievement: Solar Energy Transmitted from Space to Earth

In a groundbreaking feat spearheaded by the California Institute of Technology (Caltech), we have witnessed a momentous milestone in the realm of clean energy. Solar power has been successfully transmitted from space to Earth. A prototype, launched into orbit earlier this year, has now commenced operations, converting electricity into microwaves, which were detected by researchers at Caltech’s campus in Pasadena.

The potential of space-based solar power generation presents an unparalleled opportunity for an almost limitless supply of electricity, untethered by weather conditions or the absence of daylight. This cutting-edge technology will empower satellites equipped with solar panels to transmit electricity to any location on our planet.

“These groundbreaking experiments validate our ability to send power to space receivers and direct it back to Earth. We now possess the knowledge that power transmission can endure the rigorous journey and function seamlessly on the ground,” explained Ali Hajimiri, a distinguished researcher and professor at Caltech.

The equipment employed consists of a flexible and lightweight array of microwave transmitters, facilitating transport via rocket launch. This experiment has showcased the technology’s resilience during both the launch and the spaceflight and has also offered invaluable insights to the project’s engineering team.

“In the same way that the internet democratized access to information, our vision is for wireless power transfer to democratize access to energy. No intricate transmission infrastructure will be required to receive this electricity on the ground. Consequently, we can transmit power to remote regions and areas devastated by conflicts and natural disasters,” emphasized Hajimiri.

These are truly exhilarating times as we delve into new frontiers, unlocking clean and sustainable energy possibilities.